Jumat, 29 Desember 2017

Displayed the certificate of insurance

The law 990/1969 requires that each motor vehicle or trailer standing or moving on a public road have third party insurance (called RCA, Responsabilità civile per gli autoveicoli). Historically, a part of the certificate of insurance must be displayed on the windscreen of the vehicle. This latter requirement was revoked in 2015, when a national database of insured vehicles was built by the Insurance Company Association (ANIA, Associazione Nazionale Imprese Assicuratrici) and the National Transportation Authority (Motorizzazione Civile) to verify (by private citizens and public authorities) if a vehicle is insured. There is no exemption policy to this law disposition.

Visit : Car Insurance

Kamis, 28 Desember 2017

Cara Menanam Semangka dengan Cara Hidroponik - Jual Bibit

Menanam tanaman sacara hidroponik merupakan cara menanam tanpa menggunakan media tanam seperti tanah, namun memanfaatkan beberapa media penunjang di antaranya seperti kerikil, rockwool, pecahan batu bata, sekam bakar, hidroton, hingga sabut kelapa.
Jika Anda tertarik untuk membudidayakan tanaman semangka secara hidroponik, Anda dapat mengikuti langkah-langkahnya di bawah ini.

Visit : Jual Bibit